Keeping your knowledge base in sync with your favorite apps like Raindrop, Pocket, and others can be a daunting task. But what if you could automate the entire process and have your knowledge feed-in effortlessly? That’s exactly what Maimo’s webhooks are designed to do.

What are Webhooks?

Webhooks are like digital bridges that connect different apps and services, allowing them to share data in real-time. When a specific event occurs in one app, such as saving a new article in Raindrop or Pocket, webhooks instantly notify Maimo and deliver the relevant information, eliminating the need for manual upload.

Benefits of Using Maimo’s Webhooks for Knowledge Sync

  1. Seamless Integration: Maimo’s webhook can be seamlessly integrated with popular apps like Raindrop, Pocket, and many others with Zapier or IFTTT, enabling you to sync your knowledge base with ease.
  2. Automated Updates: With webhook, any new articles or content saved in your connected apps are automatically fed into your Maimo, keeping it always up-to-date.
  3. Time-Saving: By automating the knowledge sync process, Maimo’s webhooks save you valuable time and effort, allowing you to focus on consuming and utilizing the knowledge instead of managing it.

How Maimo’s Webhooks Work

Maimo provides each user with a unique webhook URL and access token, creating a secure and personalized channel for knowledge sync. You can use this webhook URL to set up integrations with apps like Raindrop, Pocket with any service that supports webhooks such as Zapier and IFTTT.

Whenever you save a new article or content in the connected app, it automatically triggers the webhook, sending the information directly to your Maimo.

For example, let’s say you come across an insightful article on the web and save it to your Raindrop account. With Maimo’s webhooks set up, that article will be instantly synced to your Maimo, ready for you to access and reference whenever you need it.

Getting Started with Maimo’s Webhooks

To start syncing your knowledge from Raindrop, Pocket, and other apps, you need to enable the webhook in your Maimo account.

Enable Webhooks in Maimo


Access the Integrations page in Maimo

Log in to your Maimo account and navigate to the “Integrations” page under “Settings”


Enable the Webhook

In the integrations menu, click the “Enable” button next to “Webhook” section.


Copy the Webhook URL and Access Token

Once eneblaed, you should get an Webhook URL and an Access Token under the Webhook. Make sure to copy these, as you’ll need them when setting up integrations with other apps.

Webhook Payload & Example

Maimo’s webhooks accept POST requests with a JSON payload. The payload should include the following fields:

  • urls (array of strings, optional): An array of URLs representing the articles or content you want to add to your Maimo.
  • content (string, optional): A plain text string containing the content you want to add to your Maimo.

Payload Handling Rules:

  1. If the urls field is provided, Maimo will only ingest the URLs specified in the array.
  2. If both urls and content fields are provided, Maimo will ignore the content field and only ingest the URLs.
  3. If the urls field is not provided and only the content field is present, Maimo will ingest the plain text content.
  4. If neither urls nor content fields are provided, Maimo will do nothing.

Example Payloads:

  1. Ingesting URLs only:
  "urls": [
  1. Ingesting URLs and ignoring content:
  "urls": [
  "content": "This content will be ignored"
  1. Ingesting plain text content:
  "content": "Example plain text content"

Webhook Headers

When sending a request to the Maimo webhook, make sure to include the following header:

  • x-access-token: Set this header to the Access Token you copied from your Maimo account. This header is required for authentication.

Webhook Rate Limits

To ensure optimal performance and protect against abuse, Maimo’s webhooks have a rate limit of 25 requests per minute. This means you can send up to 25 webhook requests within a 60-second window. If you exceed this limit, subsequent requests will be throttled, and you may receive a 429 Too Many Requests response.

If you need a higher rate limit for your specific use case, please contact our at, and we’ll be happy to discuss your requirements and explore options to accommodate your needs.

Integration Example: Integrate Maimo with Raindrop using IFTTT, and Maimo Webhooks

Automatically sync your Raindrop bookmarks with your Maimo for seamless knowledge feed-in.


Sign up for IFTTT

Sign up for an IFTTT account if you don’t have one already.


Create a new IFTTT Applet

Click on the “Create” button to create a new applet.


Choose Raindrop as the Trigger Service

For the “If This” part, choose the service you want to integrate with Maimo. In this example, we choose Raindrop.


Select the Trigger Event

Select the trigger event for when you want the content to be sent to Maimo. In this example, we choose “new item” to trigger when a new bookmark added to Raindrop.


Choose Webhooks as the Action Service

For the “Then That” part, choose the “Webhooks” service and select the “Make a web request” action.


Configure the Webhook URL and Access Token

In the URL field, paste the Webhook URL you copied from your Maimo account. Set the Method to “POST” and the Content Type to “application/json”. In the the Additional Headers field, put x-access-token: then paste the Access Token you copied from your Maimo account.


Construct the Webhook Payload

In the Body field, construct the JSON payload using the available ingredients from the trigger service. Refer to the Webhook Payload Structure in Part 1 for the required fields. In this example, you could put {"urls":["<<<{{Url}}>>>"]} in the Body field.


Activate the IFTTT Applet

Click “Create Action” and then “Finish” to activate the IFTTT applet. Now, whenever the trigger event occurs in the integrated service, IFTTT will send the content details to your Maimo knowledge base via the webhook.

That’s it! You’ve now successfully set up webhook integrations between Maimo and Raindrop with IFTTT. Now any new bookmark added to Raindrop will be automatically synced to your Maimo! Feel free to explore other integration options and streamline your knowledge management workflow even further.